Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Children win as natural marriage wins in Maine today!

Fox News has called itNew York Times has called it.  Yes on Question 1 WINS, 53% to 47%, an almost identical percentage margin, I might add, to California’s Prop 8 results.  Congratulations go to Mainers who GOT OUT THE VOTE and represented and protected the children who will ultimately be most affected by any marriage redefinition.  It is clear that THE MAJORITY still recognizes the eternal and natural truth that children have a right to be raised by a mother and a father and that GOVERNMENT OUGHT TO DO ALL IN ITS POWER TO PROTECT THAT RIGHT.

Says Fox News, “Gay marriage has now lost in every single state -- 31 in all -- in which it has been put to a popular vote.”  Apparently “We, the People” are JUST. NOT. HAVING. IT.  And thank goodness for that.  Way to go, Maine!

From Thomas Peters at NRO:

“Guilty confession: my favorite part of last night’s election coverage was watching Rachel Maddow’s demeanor go from exuberant, to smug, to infuriated over the results of the marriage referendum in Maine. And then she seemed to lose interest.

It now appears highly likely that, when all the votes are counted, Maine will join every other state in the union (which has had a popular vote on the issue) in rejecting gay marriage.

This result comes despite Maine being a liberal state, despite a 2-1 funding disadvantage, despite aggressive legal action against traditional marriage defenders, despite unusually high voter turn out, and despite Rachel Maddow and the elite press running interference.

Proponents of same-sex marriage, unlike in California’s Prop 8, can’t blame Maine on Mormons, on African Americans who turned out for Barack Obama, on confusing ballot wording. Their issue loses when the people decide. And it loses every time.

No doubt proponents of same-sex marriage will take this loss as a rallying cry to throw even more money into the basket, and to put more pressure on the White House.

The battle will move next to D.C., while harassment will escalate against ordinary folks who have voted against same-sex marriage (especially in California and Washington).

But for those who support tradition[al] marriage, as they move forward into the next chapter, let them never forget, but rather, let them Remember (the) Maine! Bully for them.”

— Thomas Peters is the communications director for the American Principles Project, where he also blogs.

Pearl blogs with peace tonight.
